125mx.com – Trivia Contest


How about we try something a little bit different for a change? How about a little fun?

Get your thinking caps on and see if you can answer the following three trivia questions.

1 = What circuit hosted the very first DEP 125 Championship and name the rider who won the expert / pro class?

2 =  How many clutch plates in a stock 2002 SX125?

3 =Who replaced David Bailey in the 1984 des nations squad?

Please e-mail your answers, sizes and delivery address to info@125mx.com

Do not comment below or e-mail the TSM web site to be considered for the prizes. E-mails to info@125mx.com will be the only accepted official entries.

Prizes will be awarded to the first 6 people to e-mail in the correct answers. For the first 3 correct answers you will win an Official 125MX  Hoodie and the next 3 will receive a 125MX T-shirt.

Good Luck!

