Mega Maico for 2010


Hardcore two stroke fans will be pleased to know that next years Maico will feature a variety of styling and performance changes to the current model range. Not wishing to give too much away Maico International, who are responsible for the progress and development are keeping pretty tight lipped about the whole situation but have confirmed the changes do include several substantial improvements including a hand made alloy tank being designed and produced by one of the world leaders in alloy tank production, Parker Fabrications ( who are well known for their highly regarded aftermarket Harley Davidson tanks.

Speaking earlier in the week Maico Internationals Dunlop Maxima rider and head mechanic Neil Berry said “To say I’m enthusiastic about this is understating things a little,  the 2010 Maico will be lighter and faster and well worth waiting for.

Visitors to the annual U.K. dirt bike show will be able to see the current model along with an insight into next year’s bike and the improvements made on the West Country Windings stand, number CO2B.
