RM 250 – DEP vs. Pro Circuit Exhaust Systems


On Saturday May 12th, DEP Pipes brought us out some pipes to test.

Our support rider Todd Weindel pulled off his Pro Circuit system to give the DEP set-up a try. The test was done on his 2004 Suzuki RM 267 with a Raw DEP pipe and full length silencer.

2004 RM 267 with the Pro Circuit system

Todd and his son Brennen Weindel (TSM rider) took the RM with the DEP set-up for some laps around Budds. What did they think?

They both loved it, the system added very noticable and improved power throughout the range. It also provided much higher revs than the PC system.

Todd Weindel:

We were in complete agreement. The DEP system was awesome! Smooth controllable power throughout the band and tons of top end. Love it! Thanks DEP!

Brennen rode the RM with the DEP system the following day at Virginia Motorsports Park Pro-Am for a 3RD overall in the stacked Open B class. Congrats Brennen!

Thanks to DEP for coming out and supporting us!