Sleepy Hollow 2 Stroke Shootout


Formerly known as North American Two Stroke Championships (NATSC) the name changed this year to the 2 Stroke Shootout.

RSVP here on the facebook event.

Here you can find all of the event information, including classe’s, fee’s and contact info.

Where? Sleepy Hollow MX Park 3044 – RT22 William Penn Highway – Fredericksburg, PA 17026

When? September 22nd and 23rd 2012

Gates open Friday Sept 21st at 3pm, Close at 11pm Re-open Saturday at 6am

Practice will be held on Saturday from 9am to 4pm.

Sign up starts at 7:00 am Sunday morning. Chapel Service at 8:30am, Riders meeting at 8:45 and Practice at 9:00. Racing will begin at 10:30!

Fee’s: Full weekend gate pass $20, after 4pm Saturday it will be $15

Practice – $35, Race $35 per class, Pro/Expert $50


50cc 4-8 oil injected

50cc 4-8 Open

50cc 4-8 stock

65cc 7-9 / 9-11

85cc 9-11 / 12-15

Junior Mini 9-13 / Senior Mini 12-15


125cc Pro/Expert

125cc B,C

250-Open Pro/Expert

250-Open B,C

25+, 30+, 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+ A,B,C

Vintage Classes

Pre 1975

Evolution 75-’80, 80′s and 90′s

For additional information and directions visit