Sleepy Hollow Two Stroke Shootout Update – Growing Purse and New Sponsors


The Two Stroke Shootout on September 22/23rd 2012 at Sleepy Hollow MX Park is rapidly growing. We would like to thank the sponsor’s helping out with the purse and prizes.

DEP Pipes stepped up in a big way. They are giving away a Pipe and Silencer Combo to the winner’s of the 125 and 250 Pro classes. They are also giving discount coupons to the top 3 in ALL classes good for 25% DEP products. Total support given for this event: $9,750 in cash and prizes! Thank’s DEP!

The Pro purse is currently sitting at $6,500. Thanks to the newest sponsor to sweeten the pot, FCR Suspension.

Several Pro’s have confirmed for the event, stay tuned for listings!

If there is any race you should attend or spectate this year, this is it!

We will be there the entire weekend covering the event, follow us on facebook and Twitter for live updates all weekend!