TSM/BTO supported Ricky Renner #532 “A Sweet New Orleans Jazz Solo”


The fans in New Orleans got a treat Saturday Night, the sound and smell of premix coming from Renner’s YZ. It may have been missed by a few, but it was noticed by many more.

When Renner got the the dome he was immediately told that AMA Tech wanted to check his bike out, they tagged it for a post race inspection.

Ricky qualifyed in 39th place against the fastest lites rider’s in the country. Not only was his 125  faster than enough 250f’s to make the night show, he was also faster than 8 450′s.

AMA Tech declared it a 125cc.

Ricky said the 125 and the tight track didn’t go well together, he finished his heat race in last. He said he knew he couldn’t make it, but he wanted to make some noise for the crowd. RacerX described it as “A Sweet New Orleans Jazz Solo”

Was he at a disadvantage on the 125? Of course. 125 Vs. 250, easy math.

Does the AMA think this is fair? Yes they do.

There needs to be a rule change in Pro MX. Sign the petition, let’s see if the fans can make a difference. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/review-ama-pro-racing-rule-change/sign.html

 We are proud of Ricky for taking on the huge challenge of qualifying on the 2 Stroke, thanks to all of the sponsors and fans that supported his efforts!








 Thanks to: BTOSports.com, DEP Pipes, Moto Hose, Get Dirty MX, Competitive Edge Inc., Eric Gorr and any other we may have missed!