TSM Racing… A Family Affair


First off, I would like to thank everyone for the “well wishes” Charles has received after is wreck this past weekend.  While still healing, of course he is busy with all types of ideas for the future of TSM.  We really feel our two-stroke community is more than just an online website and we have all of our loyal readers to thank for that. 

One of the ideas being discussed is TSM RACING.  This possibility seems closer to a reality and the ball has started to roll.  TSM is building a bike and we want YOU to help.  We are starting with a 2001 YZ125 stripped down practically stock.  Throughout the build we will be taking polls and asking our readers for their ideas and suggestions on what parts should be used.  We will even gladly take donations of parts.  Our goal is to have a bike that is more than just a company sponsored bike, we want a two-stroke family built bike. 

We will take you on a step by step journey from start to finish with pictures, videos, and articles.  All of our readers who donate will be featured on our sponsors page and receive their name on the front fender graphics.  Our companies who donate will receive a spot on the rear fender graphics.

  Our current plan is to build the bike for motocross track racing.  And the best part yet….YOU will decide who rides for TSM.  We are now accepting rider applications and videos.  You can find the application on the TSM Forum.  Bi-weekly, TSM will post Racer profiles for everyone to view.  At the end of the build, we will take a vote on what “family member” will represent our bike.  We would prefer a rider in the Mid-Atlantic area, but will consider out of area if we found the right rider.

So here’s all the technical stuff about how this build will work.  TSM will be posting Viewer Polls on the TSM Forum.  Our viewers then decide which part will be used in our bike.  The one exception, if a part is donated, of course we will use the donated part on the bike as appreciation to our sponsors.      

We hope to have the bike racing as soon as the build is complete, and we find a suitable rider.

At the end of the season the plan as of right now will be to auction the bike off and use its proceeds for another bike build, with your help again….of course.