Want to Talk with Like Minded Two Stroke Fanatics? Try our New Forum


This web site has become a fun destination for those interested in what’s happening in the world of Two Strokes. For this I am eternally grateful. Thank you!

The one request that I have received quite often is, why don’t I start a forum. The reasons stated were to make it easier for the fans to talk about their passion for two strokes. And to share news and information between readers.

Honestly I was not really interested in taking this on, but with a little encouragement from of few regular readers the forum was born.

This forum is a little different than some of the current popular message boards on the web, in that we have very few rules. But the rules that we do have are very tough. Although I don’t think they are that hard to adhere to.

1 – RESPECT!! One of the most important rules that MUST be adhered to is respect. You are free to disagree, to have your own opinion, but under no circumstances will any name calling, slander or bullying be tolerated. Your post will be deleted, no questions asked.

2 – Leave the political commentaries to the thousands of other sites out in cyberspace.

That’s it. No other rules will be imposed.

This is an experiment and will be upgraded and changed to fit the needs of the board. We will learn together and make this one of the best boards on the Internet. I do want to hear your feedback and suggestions, so feel free to use the contact form at the top of the page.

The idea is to share news, ideas, thoughts, interesting tidbits and stories relating to two strokes. What could be more fun!


