WOW Launches Custom Racer Sites and the $10,000 Two Stroke Challenge


 In celebration of the start of the outdoor motocross season and the launch of Wide Open Websites, we are offering a challenge to all of our potential customers around the world. If we can get 1,000 new website customers by May 13, 2012 we will donate $10,000 to the highest finishing 2-stroke at the 2012 High Point Pro National (June 9) in an effort to help any privateer racer make history by scoring national points on a 2-stroke. Also to help the cause we are cutting our website package prices in half for 2 weeks (April 27- May 13). So that means for only $49.98 you can get a custom website for an athlete or team and that includes hosting for 1 year! We will never offer a complete website package, with hosting, for this cheap ever again. So don’t wait, get a website for yourself and let’s make this challenge a reality. This is not an easy challenge at all. Wide Open Websites and its design team have put in 8 months of development to make this product available to motocross racers! Websites are a great tool for attracting sponsors, from novice to pro, any rider can benefit from having a website. Wide Open Websites offers custom website packages to athletes, including motocross racers, to help them market their talents and attract new sponsors and fans. Wide Open Websites are great for any level of athlete or racer. At under $50 you can’t go wrong by getting your own website so visit today and please ‘Like’ WOW on facebook.